Queen of the Night - A Tribute to Whitney Houston
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Queen of the Night - A Tribute to Whitney Houston
tiistai Ovet: 17:30
Hae lippujaTampereTampere-talo
Queen of the Night - A Tribute to Whitney Houston
keskiviikko Ovet: 18:30
Hae lippujaJyväskyläJyväskylä Paviljonki
Queen of the Night - A Tribute to Whitney Houston
torstai Ovet: 18:00
Hae lippujaOuluMadetojan sali
Queen of the Night - A Tribute to Whitney Houston
perjantai Ovet: 18:00
Hae lippujaHelsinkiKulttuuritalo
Queen of the Night - A Tribute to Whitney Houston
lauantai Ovet: 18:30
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Queen of the Night - A Tribute to Whitney Houston